
Do not approach, feed, or harrass wildlife!

Report data even when you do not see bear or bear signs.

1. Go On a Hike (3 ways)

     *We recommend repeating your hikes every two weeks*

► With the NYeBear App - if you have a smartphone.
► With print-out datasheets - if you don't have a smartphone but have a GPS unit.
► With Quick Submit - if you do not have a smartphone or GPS unit.

2. Set A Trail Camera (2 ways)

     *We recommend submitting camera data every two weeks*

► With the Quick Submit on this webpage - if you view your photos on the computer.
► With the NYeBear App - if your trail camera connects to a smart phone, or if you will not be at a computer.

**Data are solely for research purposes. We will never disclose your contact or location information.

Hikes: With the NYeBear App

  1. Download the NYeBear app.
  2. Turn ON the "Start a Hike" function.
  3.       This collects a datapoint every 10 minutes.
  4. When you observe or detect bear/signs, go to
    "Report Data" > "Report an Observation"
  5. Fill out the requested information:
    • Choose "Use current location" if you are at the observation.
    • Check all the signs that you observed.
    • Rate your confidence in identifying it as black bear.
    • Attach photo(s) of your bear observation or sign.
    • (Use your hand or a coin for scale.)
    • Provide comments about your observation.
  6. Submit!
  7. When you finish your hike, turn OFF the "Start a Hike".

Hikes: With print-out datasheets

  1. Before a hike:
    • Print out a Hike Datasheet.
    • Complete "Before the hike" and "Citizen Scientist Information" .
    • Grab your GPS unit!
  2. During a hike:
    • Record the start time and GPS location on the first row.
    • At 10 minute intervals, collect a GPS waypoint and fill out a row.
    • Fill out a new row when you detect a bear/bear sign.
    • Provide comments about your hike, signs, or observations.
  3. After a hike:
    • Fill out "After the hike" at the top of the datasheet.
    • Submit online at Quick Submit. Include photos or GPS files.
    • OR
    • Send by mail to:     NYeBear
                            302 Fernow Hall
                            Cornell University
                            Ithaca NY 14853

Hikes: With Quick Submit

  1. Choose "Submit my hike data" on the Quick Submit page.
  2. Provide your email so we can contact you in case of questions.
  3. Tell us about your hike:
    • Date and start time of your hike.
    • Start location of your hike.
    • Report any bear observations or signs.
    • Attach photo(s) of your bear observation or sign.
    • (Include your hand/ a coin/etc. in the photos for scale.)
  4. Include comments about your hike.
    • Provide distance hiked.
    • Provide approximate time hiked.
  5. Submit!

Trail Camera: With Quick Submit

  1. Set up your trail camera
  2. Suggested Locations:
    • Aimed along a game trail in the woods
    • Near fruit trees/berry bushes
    • Along woods or forest edge
    • Set ~4 ft above ground on tree/stand
    • Place ~ 15 ft in front of focus area
    • If camera is set high, aim camera towards ground
    • Set date and timestamps according to operating manual.
    • We suggest 3-5 photos per trigger, operating 24 hrs a day.
  3. Set camera out for 1-2 weeks.
  4. Submit data
    • Choose "Submit my camera data" on the Quick Submit page.
    • Provide your email so we can contact you in case of questions.
    • Tell us about your camera.
    • Provide your camera location. We will not share this!
    • Report which days the camera detected bears.
    • Upload your photos of the bears and other wildlife!
    • Provide any comments about the camera, bears or other wildlife.
    • Submit!

Trail Camera: With NYeBear App

  1. Download the NYeBear app
  2. Set up your trail camera
  3. Suggested Locations:
    • Aimed along a game trail in the woods
    • Near fruit trees/berry bushes
    • Along woods or forest edge
    • Set ~4 ft above ground on tree/stand
    • Place ~ 15 ft in front of focus area
    • If camera is set high, aim camera towards ground
    • Set date and timestamps according to operating manual.
    • We suggest 3-5 photos per trigger, operating 24 hrs a day.
  4. Set camera out for 1-2 weeks.
  5. Submit data
    • Go to "Report Data" > "Report Camera Data".
    • Tell us about your camera:
      • Choose "Use current location" if you are at your camera.
    • Attach photos/videos from your camera.
    • Provide any other comments about your camera check.
    • Submit!